Friday, March 4, 2016

Ok and im done!!

I screw up, you screw up, we all screw up...its humanity.
I have hurt one of the women I love most in this world. I'm trying to make amends. The problem is it all happened during times when I had several breakdowns and breakthroughs in my therapy sessions, so its hard for me to piece through everything.  I will not give up on 28 years of us. I can't, I love her too much. I hope she feels the same.
God and Goddess please be with us both during this time. Please bring us back togetherness. To our relationship. I miss her so much.

(Added on piece ) Yea well Hard lesson learned. Should have just let the past stay the way it has become. The PAST. Because, nothing good has come from me trying to renew a failed friendship, NOTHING! Its dead! It shall stay dead. I will move on. I will heal and lick my wounds... I'm sorry for the hurt I have caused. I have said so, and tried to make amends but its better this way. I can't take handle anything more...NO more!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Coming Changes, I welcome.

Well today marks a day for me that I did not think would come. I have come out of the "Broom Closet" (so they say,) I have told my family and friends that I am pagan and a practicing solitary wicca, who believes in a God and a Goddess. So far so good. Everyone has been very nice and supporting. I am hoping it stays this way. I want to be able to see my friends, at coffee night, go to festivals, make my crafts and sell them and my jewelry too. Under Rosemoons Haven. I miss that so much. Or even Rosemoons Creations still working on those....anyways it feels so good to finally be me.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


I would love to take a "step" out of my room, my safe zone, how pathetic is that?!  Anyways, I would love to take that "step" out. Of my safe zone and feel good. But I don't think it will ever happen. I have people constantly telling me what I'm doing wrong or here's what you should do... I fucking question myself so much. It makes my head hurt, I can't think, I want to think for myself. I really hate struggling back from where I have been. Just to want to go back there. Because I don't feel good enough.  Fighting my demons is hard enough...I really don't need  anything, or anyone else added to them. So HERES the deal. If I suddenly just move, get up, walk way, stop talking, whatever...The demons got to be to much, and I need to move away to somewhere quiet and alone, its best. Please understand. I have been doing this a long, long time. Its a fucking shitty life, but I would rather have patience family and friends in my life that understand and try to support me. Than some that don't.

Monday, January 18, 2016

On to a New Year, new possibilities.

We say goodbye to many close family and friends that have gone  much too soon. We will see them again to be sure. Now we look forward to the future and what it brings us, maybe a move, maybe a new job, a new start... Who knows?! We need to except change for what it is growth for us.