Thursday, July 30, 2015


Wellness?... Is there such a thing when you are troweling through the black hole of madness in your mind?...When you feel like your left alone, because people don't know what to say to you anymore...  Yea that's me, Its OK... I calling it Changes, not Wellness...Because I believe I am Changing into a different person than what I was. As the Changes happen here at Home and in my therapy, and with my Dr. I do feel Different. Not so much better. Because all memories from the blackouts and the pain are there and will always. I just am learning better ways of dealing with them.  So no I wouldn't really call it Wellness....Yet. :/

Friday, July 24, 2015

Bubs neuro at Children's

Well Bubs appt. Went well, thank goodness! The Doctor was very nice, easy to talk with, and helped relaxed Bubs. :)  He wants him to try riboflavin and magnesium for a month or two. Also, He put Bub on a rescue med. A tripan form, to help too. I am really hoping all of this works...he miss quite a bit of school last year because of these migraines. He gets they as bad as mine. Mine are very intense!and last for days.

Friday, July 17, 2015


Existence... It's really what We make it to be, I think so anyways...I mean think about it, your young, you go to school. Maybe you  become a doctor, or a lawyer, or a nurse, a therapist to help others. Some people write books. Some make things with their hands...very talented people. Not to say that any of the others mentioned were not just as talented as well. So Existence.....I was thinking of this the other day. I am a Mother of Five  beautiful children. That have grown into wonderful adults, with lives of their own, and responsibilities. To be totally honest there have been days in my past when I would not have believed I would have made it this far with my kids. We survived a different type of Existence before We met Mike. A cruel and scary and uncaring world. So When I say your Existence is in a way up to what you what it to be. Change it. It may take some time, But its worth doing if its going to make you happy and healthy for your Existence!