Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Shared Laughs...

Late evening post... the my tree lights flicker on and off, my thoughts wander to all of the many Christmas memories I have as child with my grandfather and my grandmother,the smells, the wonder,and the fun they would make for us all. I miss them so. I Vowed when had my Grandchildren  I would make each of them feel so very special in their own way. My little Aidan Loves to come to MeMaws or Grammaws house as often as he can and bake, garden, play go for walks, look for bugs and its the completely different with My Noel Belle when she gets to come, baking, swimming, barbies tea parties. I love the feeling if seeing the enjoy and love on their sweet little faces, Its so hard to say No to Them!! 
 Late Merry Christmas Everyone!

Well I almost Blew Christmas!!

Thanksgiving came and went. It was warm,wonderful,and a little bittersweet for me. It "pushed in my face" that my oldest son would not be with me anymore for Christmas`s with mom.Well so I kinda got "pissy" and didnt want to put up my Christmas anything!! NOTHING!!   I know,I know boohoo me...
I need to let my Son go and move on with his life. I AM so proud of him.He has becoming a writer. Met the sweetest guy, and they can finally have the life they have always wanted. Which`s its something I want for all of my children, is to find Happiness,and love that never stops. Thank-You to my Youngest son Robert for for help me find some of my Christmas I still miss and love my children very much and hope that all of my Children their and Families.My Family and My Friends have had a wonderful Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,  

Friday, September 20, 2013

Fridays suck...

I have decided Fridays Suck, for me anyways. Especially tonight... seems the Hub and I cant seem get along at all, we have been going back and forth nit-picking each other about stupid stuff for a while... and tonight it came to a "head",  I`m done... Fridays. do. Suck.   I Hate them. I want to completely by pass them. Now we aren`t even talking to each other at all even his breathing makes me want to... go nuts :( 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Bitter sweet moments :'}

       I talked with my youngest daughter Katy-Kat on Skype recently, it is Bittersweet for me, tears of happiness and tears of sadness, because she is finally happy and getting feet wet in her adult life, but at the same time sad because I miss her so badly and I finally got to see her. She looked so beautiful, happy, and relaxed  finally not stressed. Its so damn hard when your youngest moves from the "Nest".
      I have had my little granddaughter Noel down for two weeks this summer, she is five, I love her curiousness about everything! I hope she never loses this.  My Grandson Aidan has started his first year of Pre-school this year, Colette is doing ok with it, Better than she thought she would LOL! and my Scott is published again! Going to buy this book as well...Very proud of him he has accomplished so much...Like I said Bitter Sweet Moments for me :`}} But its Good! They are more proud Happy tears than sad tears...  I love my kids... 

Friday, August 9, 2013

thyroid surgery

Well Thyroid Surgery is done, Yes yes I know That is a crappy opener!! Sorry it has been a while since I have been here. I have gone swimming in the "Sea of S*&% and I am almost out... good news is I do not have THE BIG " C"  Thank Goodness :)).
The scar I did receive because of the surgery is not bad... I can deal with it and will gladly :))

On to better things in my life...ME and discovering more of what I want out of my life... My husband, my kids, my best friend, my friends and family. The love I have for each of them. 

Love yourself first then you`ll have more of yourself to go around ;)  

Friday, April 26, 2013

Today marks new day in my new life... :/ Happy yes, but kinda sad too.

Well today marks a new day. In March of this year,2013, My Hubs and I went from renting a huge five bedroom home to a small two bedroom cottage by the river. I LOVE it! Its very charming, old, has a a lot of character. We made this move because, we went from having five children to one, our 14 year old son. I am feeling the empty nest whatever you call them and dont really know how to deal with it. I am doing my best not to overwhelm my much older children now with "How are you, and You havent called in a awhile". I know they have their lives. Still it is nice when they stay in touch, even with a text "Hi Mom". Also to keep my very curious, active, 14 year busy so that He too becomes and mature young man I can be proud of... I am already of him, I want to stay that way :) He is a good  kid.

I have a really cute area where we park our car for a garden, I put in pansies, daffies,tulips and such for spring. Have pretty little bird feeders so the birds can come and our Cat Romeo can "talk" with them. LOL!
I do like that backyard area is fenced in so that when our grandkids come over they can play safely :)
We have already had a wonderful Easter Egg hunt for the first time. it was fun! I also have a peach tree and a lilac tree, they are lovely to look at in full bloom, all pink and purple!!

I sit outside either in the evenings or mornings drinking coffee, thinking about how good it feels to know that I have raised my children to take care of their lives... sure it did take some time with some of them, and from what my kids went through growing up, seeing, and experiencing in their young lives, I can hope that they learned something from it, as hard as it was to go through.